Web Development

The Internet has connected the world in a way never before possible. It has changed the way information is shared and the way customers interact with businesses. Anything you want to learn, share, or buy is a few clicks away. Our team has been innovating on the Internet before most people had even heard about […]

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Mobile App Development

The modern smart phone ecosystem has given the world access to information from anywhere. And they want it now. By creating a mobile app, you are empowering your users to interact with your platform quickly and easily. Even if they can only spare a single finger. Stretching back to before the term “smartphone” was coined, […]

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Custom Software Development

It’s amazing what can be accomplished using off-the-shelf software, but it’s difficult to stand out when your competitors have the same solution as you. You’ve also undoubtedly strained the boundaries of your current software. Becoming a leader in your industry means treading a road unpaved. DKS Systems has spent years with organizations like yours building […]

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Content Management

It’s a critical component of your business and marketing strategy. It’s an extension of your brand and a connection with your customers. It requires ongoing attention and updating—often at a moment’s notice. Here at DKS, we know launching a site is only the beginning. And we aim to make the process of managing that site […]

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Driving Revenue

Using cutting edge tools and customized techniques, we craft e-commerce solutions designed to optimize the user experience, maximize conversions, and boost brand perceptions—all at the highest ROI possible. With our breadth of clients, we’ve developed growth insights across all major industries. No matter your e-commerce goal, DKS has you covered with the right solution.

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Business Automation

Good businesses have good technology-based systems. Great businesses know these individual systems need to communicate seamlessly and instantly. Their technologies—from on-premise ERP or cloud-based CRM to hosted e-commerce websites to sales tax services, shipping platforms or accounting platforms and more—have been integrated to share data, simplify processes and generate actionable insights in moments. DKS builds […]

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Customer Experience

Customer experience begins by getting to know your user’s needs and behaviors. Research, first-hand feedback and asset reviews allow us to build key understanding and knowledge. The insights we collect inform the creation of a user experience design that is intuitive, unique, and genuinely hits the mark.

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